Maine Association of School Nurses

Quotable quotes about school nursing

Posted almost 10 years ago by Patricia Endsley

Quotable Quotes About Nursing, June 2014

This is part of the June 2014 issue of Sharing Nursing's Knowledge.

"A registered professional school nurse is the only person [who] has the education, the training, and the skill level to meet the needs of kids in the schools. It's all about what the kids need and how can they attend schools, be healthy, and learn. Health and education go together: If a child is not healthy, he can't learn." --Sue Buswell, RN, director, Montana Association of School Nurses, Philadelphia Tragedy Highlights Role of School Nurses, Education Week, June 2, 2014

"I quite frankly don't understand how a school can function without a school nurse. They really are one of the most cost-effective, unrecognized resources in our country." --Anne Sheetz, MPH, RN, NEA-BC, director, school health services, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, School Nurses Save, Not Cost Money, New Study Says, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 29, 2014